The start of June brings the inevitable excitement about getaways and vacations. Whether you’re just escaping for the weekend or planning to get out of town for an extended period of time, you have to make sure you are truly soaking up every moment of relaxation and fun.
To ensure that every second away from your job or from school is meaningful:Journal
Buy yourself a pretty notebook and a good pen, and put aside a few minutes every night or every morning to write down what you’ve been up to. We so rarely take the chance to step away from the chaos of our lives, so your brain is probably dying for a creative outlet. What comes out might surprise you, but if nothing else, you’ll have an honest recap of your break.
Let Someone Else Take Pictures
Which really means put your phone away. While taking pictures can seem like a legitimate reason to keep your phone within arms reach, it really just gives you an excuse to quickly check your email or scroll through Instagram. Someone else will take the pictures. They can text them to you later. For now, leave your phone buried deep in your bag and enjoy the company or the scenery immediately in front of you.
Explore On Foot
The best way to find new restaurants or cool shops is to go on a walking tour of wherever you are. Even if you’re enjoying a staycation, skip the subway and take a long stroll down some unexplored streets. Your body will thank you for the gentle exercise, and you’ll get to know the place you’re staying far better than someone reliant on a car.
Give Netflix A Rest
Binge watching TV shows is for rainy days when you’re stuck at home or long nights after a stressful day at the office. Challenge yourself to avoid TV and movies while you’re on break. Spend the time thinking, writing, reading—anything to keep your mind engaged in a way that’s a change of pace from your normal routine.
Enjoy Your Food
Eat slowly. Savor every bite. Don’t stress over what’s “healthy” or not. If you’re truly taking your time and enjoying any and all food that passes your lips, you’ll eat just what you want, and you’ll be happier for it. Vacation is the time to slow down in so many ways, and the way you eat is definitely one of them.
With friends, with strangers, with yourself. Laughter relieves stress better than any fancy massage or poolside resort, so enjoy it in abundance while you’re intentionally resting.
Feature Photo via We Heart It