In our next rendition of 20 Questions, we chatted with Zie Campbell from the blog Zie Darling.
We talked to her about her latest project, Clever Darling Magazine, design and of course some undirected questions in typical 20 Questions fashion. See what she had to say!
What makes you happy?
Fresh flowers, kitty cat cuddles, fuzzy blankets, Apple products, downloading new apps, clean lines, white space, hot pink, bold patterns, books, babes in business and my wonderful family.
If you could bring back anything from the 90s, what would it be?
Scrunchies! And mood rings!
Name two things you’re wearing right now.
Boyfriend’s red flannel and a Chanel nightgown.
What’s your go-to drink, alcoholic or otherwise?
If we’re talking about daily, I drink mostly water and hot tea. If we’re talking about brunch or evenings, I’m a Bloody Mary kind of gal. But I’ll also be happy with a whiskey ginger or some local brew (I let my far-cooler-than-me friends pick hah).
Do you have a mantra you live by? If so, what is it?
“There’s no blender in the grave.” It’s a silly saying an artist I admire (Rebecca Green) said. To the short of it, she was talking about waking up and wanting a smoothie but never making them. But it basically means you only have one life to live, so try everything, do everything.
What’s the last movie you watched?
Jaws. I watch it pretty regularly. It’s a favorite in my home.
What’s a typical day like for Zie?
I’m currently in a I-recently-graduated-college-and-started-freelancing-and-have-a-part-time-gig-too-transition so my schedule isn’t 100% set yet.
However usually I get up at or just before 8 a.m. and make myself a cup of hot water with lemon. I read somewhere that this does something semi-helpful. I dunno. If nothing else, the placebo effect makes me feel slightly more awake, without the caffeine.
Then I take care of [myself using] toiletries and I’m trying to add yoga back into my mornings.
After a quick breakfast (of usually yogurt and toast), I’ll take 30-45 minutes and catch up on blogs, social media and emails.
From here, it depends on if I’m working at my part-time gig, but let’s assume I’m not.
The rest of the day is devoted to client work, blogging, working on the magazine, etc. Mondays are admin type stuff, so loads of emails, files and organizing. Tuesdays and Thursdays are clients unless there is a huge deadline. Wednesdays are blogging and magazine days (as are weekends normally) and Fridays are whatever I need days.
There’s a lunch in there somewhere and around 6:30-7:00 p.m. when Bryan gets home, I usually shut down for a while. We’ll have dinner, maybe watch some TV or relax. And unless I have deadlines, we just enjoy the evenings. Otherwise, it’s back to work until bed around 11.
What font is one of your go-tos?
I’m a huge fan of Didot, Bodoni, Helvetica, Avenir Next and oddly enough, Minion Pro. (That’s totally more than one!)
What’s a big pet peeve of yours?
I have zero patience for anyone who constantly feels bad for themselves or refuses to take initiative. If you’re unhappy with how your life is, change it. If you want something, go for it. There’s no blender in the grave, remember?
If you could have dinner with any three people (dead or alive), who would they be?
I would have dinner with Justin Timberlake OR Gerard Butler to convince them they have to marry me, of course. Kate Spade because duh and Ellen!! She just warms my heart with her goofiness and I think she would make an excellent dinner companion.
What has been your biggest accomplishment so far?
That’s a really hard question. I’m proud of myself for so much and so many things have different meanings to me on various levels. I’m proud that I am pretty much the first person in my family to graduate college. I’m proud that I’ve won three Addy awards so far this year (one gold, one judges’ choice, one silver). I’m proud that I walked out of a well paid full-time job because I was miserable and started really chasing my dreams. I’m proud of my magazine, Clever Darling. I’m proud of my nail-painting-emoji usage.
How do you like to unwind after a long day?
I’ve started taking more and more long baths. I’ll pop in some bath bombs, put on a face mask and listen to some guided meditation. And if I’ve remembered to pick some up, I’ll have a glass of wine too.
What’s one place you recommend people visit when they go to Nashville?
This is another hard one for me. For food, let’s say either Mad Donna’s or Rosepepper. For drinks, my favorite bars are in the Five-Points area. And for novelty shops, Hail Dark Aesthetics or OMG (Old Made Good).
What’s one skill you would love to master?
Knitting! I’ve successfully finished ONE project. And I’ve been trying to learn the skill since January, hah.
What’s a song you’ve recently been loving?
“Can’t Pin Me Down” from Marina and the Diamonds. I’m basically in love with her.
Where do you find creative inspiration?
I’m super inspired by other women. So women that are creating, are happy, are thriving… that’s a million percent inspiring to me. They’re what get me hyped up. I also find inspiration when I shut things down and really get lost in my own head. Bubble baths and showers are great places for me to find new ideas or just refresh.
What has been the biggest challenge so far in launching Clever Darling Magazine?
Doing it (for the most part) alone. There is soooo much that goes into running a magazine and without a strong support system (both emotionally and work-load based) it’s a struggle. Also, learning all of this on my own. I’m writing my own manual as I go and it’s crazy but also thrilling.
How would someone describe your style?
Fashion wise: I wear a lot of black with pops of hot pink, flannel and other sassy elements. Illustration wise: very whimsical and usually sweet. Design wise: glamorous and “girly.”
What’s your favorite sweet treat?
There’s this place by my apartment that makes peach cobbler milkshakes. Dear. Lawd. So good.
What app can you not live without?
Can I pick two? Instagram: it’s my absolute favorite form of networking. I get quite a bit of business from it and I love being able to keep in touch with so many fabulous babes.
Evernote: This is like #1 on everyone’s list, so I’m sure someone’s going to roll their eyes. But honestly. My entire business runs with Evernote and I probably couldn’t breath properly without it.
Catch up with Zie!
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Read our 20 Questions with Kara from The Bostonista here or Olivia of Olivia Adams PR here.