Celebrities are people too. Like the average person, they belong to every form of social media. From Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat, certain celebs are a bit funnier than others on specific platforms.
ICYMI, Taylor Swift joined Tumblr in what is basically a move that destroyed her fans.
The number of “I’m literally dying” must have ruined so many parents’ days. From discussing memes like “Becky” to endlessly posting about cats, Taylor has really nailed the site. She really honed in the very thing that makes Tumblr great, the social interactions ingrained in the site.On Instagram, it should come as no surprise that the Kardashians take the cake. Literally all of them have great accounts. Khloe, Kim, Kourtney and Kris all have amazing posts because they live the lives of the rich and famous. Fabulous wealth trumps a good filter. Oh, and Lord Disick‘s Insta is awesome too.
Besides the Kardashian’s, Mindy Kaling also has a flawless Instagram. It’s probably because it’s mostly just pictures of the stunning clothes she wears and photos of behind the scenes stuff from The Mindy Project. What’s not to love? Also, let’s not leave out Joe Jonas. He mostly just posts stupid memes, but they’re just so funny.
While not as prolific as Instagram or Tumblr, Ryan Seacrest has a great Snapchat. He fairly frequently posts little Snapchat stories of him interviewing other celebrities on his radio show. It’s a fun little 30-second distraction that’s definitely worth noting.
Lastly is Twitter. Chelsea Peretti has one of the funniest twitters in existence tbh. Maybe it’s the snarky tweets or the fact that she responds to things with as much drama. Or maybe it’s just because she never holds anything back. Regardless, she is a must follow. Anna Kendrick is as well. The delightfully self-depreciating Pitch Perfect star always has a funny comment to make about a common, daily occurrence.
So follow away. Maybe Taylor will even respond back to you if you try hard enough.
(Feature Photo via Instagram)