You know that the best way to lose weight and get healthy is to slash calories and increase exercise.
However, you don’t have to go on a super strict diet to lose weight and feel good! A few simple changes can go a long way in terms of health. Follow these sneaky tips to cut calories and eat healthier without feeling deprived.
Drink Up
Liquid calories are sneaky little things. Since drinks don’t fill you up nearly as much as solid food, it can be easy to overindulge without realizing just how many calories you’re consuming. Even drinks that seem super healthy, like smoothies, can contain more than 500 calories! When looking to cut back on calories, water is your best option. Not only will it help keep you hydrated without unnecessary calories, but drinking a large glass of water before meals and snacks will help prevent overeating by filling you up. If you absolutely need something flavorful to sip on, try flavored seltzer or add slices of fresh fruit to your water to keep it yummy without adding on the pounds. Plus, good ol’ H2O is great for your skin, organ function, digestion and mood! And it’s free! What could be better?
Use Smaller Plates, Bowls & Glasses
Using smaller plates trick you into thinking you’re eating more, which can help you feel fuller while you’re actually consuming fewer calories than normal. This is called the Delboeuf illusion. You feel content, but eat less. Pretty sweet deal, huh? Instead of normal dinner plates, try eating off of salad plates, and use small bowls for ice cream, cereal and the like. You won’t have to deprive yourself of eating your favorite foods, but you will feel fuller and eat less calories overall.
DIY Your Favorite Foods
Next time you’re surfing the web, trade in some of your Tumblr time for recipe searching! There are tons of different websites and blog posts that are dedicated to making homemade versions of restaurant and packaged foods. and both have easy recipes that mimic some of your faves. If you’re into old school cookbooks, Real Snacks is a great resource. It includes recipes for healthier homemade Doritos, Twinkies and more. By making some of your favorite foods at home, not only will you save calories, but you’ll also save money and get rid of the gross chemicals that are in packaged foods.
Slow Down & Pay Attention
Though you may be tempted to use meals and snacks as a time to watch TV or read, eating while doing something else will make you consume more food than normal because you will be distracted. It takes approximately 20 minutes for your stomach to tell your brain that it’s full, but if you’re chowing down while watching the latest episode of Orange is the New Black, then you’ll eat faster and as a result consume tons of unnecessary calories. Take time to really savor your food. Chew slowly and pay attention to the tastes, textures and smells. You’ll end up eating less, and you’ll also actually enjoy your food!
Ask Yourself if You’re Truly Hungry
Before you reach for a snack, and before every meal, take a moment to think about how hungry you actually are. Make note of your emotional state: are you angry, upset, tired or just plain bored? You may be emotionally hungry, not physically. Drink a large glass of water and do another activity for 15 minutes. Go for a run, read a book… Anything that takes your mind off your stomach! If you’re still hungry and unable to take your mind off food at the end of the 15 minutes, allow yourself to have a snack. By deciding when you’re really hungry, you’ll avoid eating empty calories and also appreciate when you do eat.
(Feature Photo via We Heart It)