It’s beautiful outside!
The birds are chirping and the sun is out. This is the perfect time to pick your favorite spot on the beach or at the park and crack open a great book. Don’t know what books to choose? We’ve got you covered.
New Releases
Now that we’ve heard Anastasia Steele’s side of the story in the Fifty Shades trilogy, we get to read the thoughts of Christian Grey in E.
L. James’ new novel, Grey. The book starts off on the morning of the day Ana and Christian first meet. Christian was very mysterious to both Ana and us, the readers, in the first three books and this gives us the chance to see Christian, stripped, no façade, just him. We cannot wait to get our grubby little paws on this and dive right in.Remember the hit television show, Girls Next Door on E!? Well, Hugh Hefner’s main squeeze at the time, Holly Madison, released a tell-all book titled Down the Rabbit Hole. This book addresses the negative side of life in the mansion. She opens up about how she hit rock bottom, contemplated suicide and ultimately persevered and made it through.
What if everything you’ve ever felt about the guys in your past somehow made its way to their mailboxes? This happened to Lara Jean in the novel To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before by Jenny Han. Lara wrote a letter to each guy she’s ever had feelings for in her life and planned to keep them secret–that is, until the letters actually got mailed to them by accident. Facing these feelings with each guy seems terrifying, but there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. P.S. I Still Love You is the new sequel. Lara Jean faced her feelings for all the boys in her past in the first book and in this go around she will juggle her feelings for two guys. Lara Jean seems boy crazy and we love it.
Coming Soon
Bond with your mother this summer. Assign her to read Does This Beach Make Me Look Fat?: True Stories and Confessions by mother-daughter writing duo Lisa Scottoline and Francesca Serritella, out July 7. They both share stories all women can identify with and tips to stop worrying.
One of our favorite MTV Teen Moms, Maci Bookout writes about her experiences as a single mom in Bulletproof, available July 21. When we watch her life on Teen Mom and 16 and Pregnant, we see what MTV wants us to see. This books gives us access to the mind of Maci and how she wants us to see her experience. We cannot wait to learn how she manages to handle fame, raise an amazing son, maintain relationships and go to school without losing herself.
Oldies But Goodies
Mitch Albom has a few books to choose from, but our personal favorite is Tuesdays with Morrie. This book continuously reminds us what’s really important in life through Mitch’s time with his old college professor, Morrie Schwartz, who is terminally ill.
Before you head to the theater on July 24 to watch Paper Towns, starring Cara Delevingne and Nat Wolff, read the book by John Green first. Margo, Quentin’s first love, unintentionally sends him on a quest to find her by leaving clues behind. He and his friends skip school to find her. The concept and storyline is very unique which is why we are fans.
Just as we can watch The Great Gatsby with Leo DiCaprio time and time again, we can read the novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald just as many times. The glitz and glamour of the roaring 20s and the lavish life of Jay Gatsby and Daisy Buchanan will keep you intrigued and extra hot this summer. If you’ve read it before, you know what we mean and if you haven’t, what are you waiting for?
Feature Photo via Bookinity