Every month, the Pink & Black team is asked to share their response to one question.
This month, they were asked to share how they are planning to escape this summer. Here’s what some had to say:
My summer reading list will be my escape this summer. Since it will be difficult for me to take time off this summer with my job, books will be my way to get away.
I’m already blowing through my summer reading list faster than I ever have. It’s a great way to escape, enjoy yourself and expand your knowledge base.– Rebecca Walter
My escape this summer is the little perks and treasures found in New York City. Working full time in the city can be either mundane or exciting. I like to make the most out of it whether it’s catching a subway train or walking through Central Park to work. Whenever I’m on my way to the office, I look around and take in the scenery and see what is new and what is changing. I discover food festivals, street fairs, art exhibits, free concerts and even a yoga event in Bryant Park. These things are fun ways to have those little breaks from work. There’s always something going on in the city and I try to take full advantage of what it has to offer.
– Lauren Tom
Getting lost at local farmers’ markets. There is nothing like winding my way through stalls full of fresh produce, homemade baked goods, and unique personal care products to take my mind off of whatever is causing me stress. I always walk away with some ideas for new recipes and a good dose of Vitamin D. Just being around so many cool people and healthy foods leaves me feeling refreshed and energized.
– Alexis Teevens
My escape consists of quitting my full time job and landing odd jobs around the city of Boston to make ends meet. From dog walking, to babysitting, to volunteering at festivals or special events, I’ve found there is no shortage of ways to scrape money together in this small city and meet interesting people and learn new things. I’ve had to forfeit luxuries that many to do have the privilege to afford and as a result it has given me a newfound perspective of my community and appreciation of the privileges that have been afforded to me because of my upbringing.
– Ash Czarnota
I’m escaping into some good books this summer! I have a pretty long commute to work, so having a novel to dive into while I’m on the bus makes the time pass very quickly!
– Olivia French
My boyfriend, my son and I are road tripping to Ocean City, Maryland. I am so excited to ditch work for a week, soak up some rays and put my feet in the ocean. I love escaping to new places and taking a break from real-life for a little while and there’s no better time to do it than summertime!
– Daisha Easler
I just started my job about a month ago, so it’s hard for me to take any vacation time. I try to plan small day trips on the week and have various weekend plans. It doesn’t get me away from the office, but it’s the little things.
– Will Rhino
Beaches and parks. I just moved to the New Jersey/New York area and plan on checking out the Jersey Shore this summer as well as all of the urban parks around NYC.
– Saleah Blancaflor
What are your escape plans this summer? Share your response in the comments or on social media with #PABshares.