The study of science, technology, engineering, and math, otherwise known as STEM, is a discipline that is becoming increasingly important for the ever more technology-reliant careers in our world.
Compared to other countries though, the U.S. is severely undertrained in these important areas. The U.S.
ranks 24th out of 29 countries in math literacy, and only a third of U.S. bachelor’s degrees are earned in STEM fields, as opposed to 53% in China and 63% in Japan. Yikes.STEM education is growing across the U.S. (especially in K-12) in an effort to change these facts. Programs have been introduced to get kids learning and interested in these important skills from a young age. Being educated in STEM not only makes students capable of performing high skilled math, science, engineering, and technology jobs, but it also helps students learn important skills related to innovation and critical thinking. These skills will allow them to make real changes when they enter the workforce by using their knowledge to solve global issues. Not to mention, unemployment rates are lower in STEM fields, with wages that are relatively higher than others.
1.2 million computing-related job openings are expected in the U.S. by 2022, but the number of U.S. computing graduates is on track to fill less than 40% of these positions. Misha Malyshev, CEO of Teza Technologies works with non-profits to reduce this discrepancy with events like Girls Do Hack, a one day event designed to prepare young girls for careers in STEM. National Computer Science Education Week (December 7-13) is an opportunity to reverse the trend and inspire students to consider STEM careers, too.
If the U.S. wants to continue to be a leading nation in the world, STEM programs are necessary for all young students. Learning in school, and in after school programs and special events, will help our country’s youth rise to the top of the job market.
Graphic via Teza Technologies