The final countdown has begun.
If you’re graduating in December, you only have about one month of college left. Make the most of the coming weeks by checking off items on our December grad bucket list!
Secure A Job
This is the biggie. If you haven’t already, try to figure out what you want to do with your life after college and apply, apply, apply.
Find A Place To Live
Once you have your post grad plans figured out, find somewhere to live. It could be a cute little apartment in a new city, a home in your college town or even your childhood bedroom. Figure out where you’re going to live, and begin budgeting your money appropriately. Also start getting excited about decorating a whole new place of your own!
Make A Backup Plan
Things happen, and it’s important to be prepared for the unexpected. Always make sure you have a backup plan ready in case your job offer falls through, your roommates turn out to be awful or you decide to completely change your career path a few months in.
Thank Your Professors
Your professors are the reason you learned so much during college, so make sure you thank the ones that had the biggest impact on you. Even a small handwritten note can mean the world to a professor, and will make them remember you for years to come.
Spend Valuable Time With Your Friends
Take advantage of the fact that your friends live in the same place you do. Hang out, do fun things, stay up until 5 in the morning giggling. As the age old saying goes, you’ll never remember the nights you went to bed early, but you will remember all the time you spent with friends.
Make Up For Lost Time
Use every free second to do the fun things you always wanted to do. Attend club events, try all those delicious sounding restaurants in town or just explore your college campus and get to know all the people you wanted to.
Learn How To Cook At Least A Few Decent Meals
Now’s the time to put your Pinterest boards to work. Collect healthy, easy recipes, and start trying them out so you’re prepared for life without a cafeteria.
Pick Up A Hobby
Whether it’s something crafty like painting, something athletic like yoga or something random like pottery, find something you love to do and stick with it. Once you leave college, try to find groups to continue your hobby and meet new people in your new city. It can be hard to make new friends after college, but if you try to find people with similar interests, you will be more successful. Additionally, having a set hobby among so much change will help ground you in your new life.
(Feature Photo via Fort Lewis College)