Loyal readers,
I couldn’t be happier to be writing this to you because that means Pink & Black is back in business.
During the two month break, I learned a few things about myself and about life.
Time is everything and so is time management.
The professional world (and the daily news cycle) doesn’t stop or slow down.
It’s up to you to stay motivated after college.
While I was in college I had so much to motivate me and keep me going. I set goals for myself and kept my career dreams intact. I was surrounded by career-oriented people with dreams through the roof. Now that I’m out of college and have officially started my career, it’s up to me to make things happen. Leadership roles and opportunities don’t come to you like they did in college so it’s important to work hard, make good impressions and not pass up any opportunities.
The real world is super scary.
I couldn’t afford to live on my own, so I had to get a roommate when I got my job. My roommate is my boyfriend, which is fun, but wasn’t exactly my post-college or pre-marriage plan. Sometimes things don’t go as planned and the curveballs life throws at you are unexpected. Currently, I’m learning how important budgeting is, how important family is and how important all relationships really are.
The real world is super fun.
I now have a wonderful apartment to buy for and dress up. I live with my best friend and number one supporter. I’m working full-time at a great entry-level. And I’m finally starting to shape myself as who I want to be.
This month we’re bringing you new content (finally!) with special features focused on wellness and happiness, because that’s what creates a healthy you.
I hope you’ll stick around.
P.S. -
We’re working on a new schedule so you’ll now be getting new content twice a day! Check every morning and evening at 7 to read what’s new!