In case you missed it, we hosted another #PABgirltalk Twitter chat last Thursday!
This time we talked about branding yourself. Below are some of our favorite responses from the chat.
Want to join #PABgirltalk? Tune in Thursday, October 23 at 8 p.m. EST for a discussion on body image! Find us @PinkandBlackMag. See you there!
@PinkandBlackMag the brand persona of who you are, the style you put off. It’s both online and offline #pabgirltalk
— 5 o’clock Fashion (@5oclockfashion) October 17, 2014
@PinkandBlackMag a personal brand is everything that defines who you are & what you’re about. Tweets, opinions, content, logos #PABgirltalk
— aSparkleFactor (@aSparkleFactor) October 17, 2014
@PinkandBlackMag taking ownership of something that make you, YOU! #pabgirltalk
— Hillary Reeves (@hillreeves) October 17, 2014
@PinkandBlackMag people know what to expect from you and will seek you out with that in mind. Plus, it gives you credibility. #PABgirltalk
— aSparkleFactor (@aSparkleFactor) October 17, 2014
@PinkandBlackMag it’s hard to tell someone new your WHOLE story. Nowadays everybody needs an “elevator pitch!” #pabgirltalk
— Hillary Reeves (@hillreeves) October 17, 2014
@5oclockfashion definitely! Isn’t the whole point of blogging to become a go-to person on w/e you write about? #PABgirltalk
— aSparkleFactor (@aSparkleFactor) October 17, 2014
@PinkandBlackMag hard to even separate the two! Social media allows you to enter the community, present urself as an expert… #pabgirltalk
— Hillary Reeves (@hillreeves) October 17, 2014
@PinkandBlackMag people go to see what you are all about on social media. They will sum you up in 4 seconds #PABgirltalk
— 5 o’clock Fashion (@5oclockfashion) October 17, 2014
@PinkandBlackMag It allows you to reach so many new people and expose them to your brand quickly. #pabgirltalk
— The B Belt (@TheBBelt) October 17, 2014
@PinkandBlackMag What you add to social media collectively builds your brand. #pabgirltalk
— Alexis Briggs (@chicademics) October 17, 2014
@ENAMOURclothing @PinkandBlackMag So true. you can have a million followers but if none of them r passionate about your brand its worthless.
— The B Belt (@TheBBelt) October 17, 2014
A3 Personal branding + social media is about building relationships and credibility. The combination can amplify your efforts #PABgirltalk
— Mira Johnson, CPC (@MiraJohnson) October 17, 2014
@PinkandBlackMag it should start with a mission statement and an end goal of what you want to do/impact #PABgirltalk
— 5 o’clock Fashion (@5oclockfashion) October 17, 2014
@PinkandBlackMag Make a list of everything you believe/love/want. What you’re passionate about and then just BE YOURSELF. #PABgirltalk
— aSparkleFactor (@aSparkleFactor) October 17, 2014
@PinkandBlackMag also, if you try to brand yourself as something you AREN’T, you off as inauthentic and won’t succeed #PABgirltalk
— aSparkleFactor (@aSparkleFactor) October 17, 2014
@PinkandBlackMag what I initially thought was my market & direction of my brand wasn’t, I revamped & learned through exposure #PABgirltalk
— ENAMOUR (@ENAMOURclothing) October 17, 2014
@PinkandBlackMag Logos, personal websites, social media, and business cards because everyone loves party favors. #PABgirltalk
— Alexis Briggs (@chicademics) October 17, 2014
@PinkandBlackMag making a brand style guide and lists/missions statements/ etc! The style guide is a great start #PABgirltalk
— 5 o’clock Fashion (@5oclockfashion) October 17, 2014
@PinkandBlackMag obvi logos, colors, the style guide, all the visuals the same, etc. Consistency is key!! #PABgirltalk
— aSparkleFactor (@aSparkleFactor) October 17, 2014
@PinkandBlackMag an appearance, I tend to remember bloggers by what their blogs look like #PABgirltalk
— MichelleAndrea (@curlygirlmimi) October 17, 2014
@PinkandBlackMag I’m a fashion designer, so my clothing, style and events all fall in line with what’s on social media. #PABgirltalk
— ENAMOUR (@ENAMOURclothing) October 17, 2014
@PinkandBlackMag Your brand should be so natural you don’t even have to think about it. You being you should be on brand lol. #PABgirltalk
— aSparkleFactor (@aSparkleFactor) October 17, 2014
@PinkandBlackMag I have 2: @DitaVonTeese and @thekatvond both live and breathe their brands effortlessly and it shows. #PABgirltalk
— ENAMOUR (@ENAMOURclothing) October 17, 2014
@PinkandBlackMag I love @MiraJohnson! She has great branding! #PABgirltalk
— 5 o’clock Fashion (@5oclockfashion) October 17, 2014
@PinkandBlackMag @paperfashion! All of her social media platforms display her creativity and what she is about and stands for #PABgirltalk
— MichelleAndrea (@curlygirlmimi) October 17, 2014