Finding a job may seem like the hard part, but there’s much more to learn after you’re hired.
You need to know how the office works, who to report to and how to get on your boss’ good side. The latter is important so you’ll be able to form a good and trusting relationship with him or her.
Here are some tips to do just that.1. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Asking questions is one if the best ways to learn. Asking questions shows your boss that you are engaged and interested in the material.
2. Don’t be afraid to make friends. Making friends with your coworkers (including your boss) will show that you’re friendly and approachable. Don’t be afraid to go out to those after work drinks (at least once) no matter how far out of your comfort zone you might be.
3. Feel free to voice your opinion, but don’t overstep your boundaries. It’s good to have standards when it comes to your work and if you feel as if one task could be made simpler or done a different way, don’t be afraid to address that issue with your boss. If anything, it will show how forward thinking you are.
4. Dress the part. A common saying we’ve all heard is dress to impress. As a rule of thumb you should always try to dress better than the person interviewing you. This rule also can be translated over to the workplace. Dress nicer than your boss and it will show you have a real commitment to your job.
5. Take whatever opportunities that are thrown at you. Sometimes you may be asked to do things you don’t want to do. Working on different jobs or even a different version of your job will only give you more experience, which benefits you in the end. As an added bonus, it also shows your boss how flexible you are.
6. Come in early and leave late. This rule may be simple, but it couldn’t be more accurate. Getting to work early and leaving a little late shows you are willing to put in the hours required to become the best you can be at your job.
(Feature Photo via Teen Vogue)