Let us start by saying that if your relationship involves any form of emotional or physical abuse it is definitely time to put an end to it. Some other signs may not be as clear, though, and it can be very hard to make the decision to work on this partnership and go your separate ways.
While this decision is completely up to you, we’re here to offer some advice and more to think about.If all trust has gone out of the window and you or your partner are feeling as though the other isn’t being honest, it may be time to call it quits. This doesn’t have to be solely related to cheating. Dishonesty about anything can cause discomfort and stress to a relationship. Now, according to Lovepanky.com, “…even if you’re frustrated with your current love life, it doesn’t necessarily have to mean it’s the end of the relationship.” Which is quite true. If this can be worked out through communicating with your partner and working through the trust issues, the end may not be near. However, if no matter how hard you try, the trust still is not there and you’ve given it real time and effort, it may be time to walk away. These issues can lead to consistent fighting, cheating and many other issues that will make the relationship unhealthy.
A relationship loses its strength and health when there is a lack of respect also. “Although respect may not come naturally, it is a vital ingredient, a building block in human relationships, as fundamental as the alphabet is to language,” says Jane Simon, M.D. Now, this is definitely something to think about because a lack of respect could be hard to point out. There are many ways to show disrespect to another person. This can be something that would seem small as a backhanded compliment all the way to complete and utter disregard. One major thing to keep in mind is that just because your peers are experiencing similar issues, don’t think disrespectful behavior is normal because it’s not. It should be addressed and if nothing changes, part ways.
There may not be any major unhealthy issues, but that doesn’t have to be the only reason to end a relationship. Maybe you’re just “not feeling it” anymore. Tiny Buddha says to ask this question when thinking about your relationship, “When you’re in the company of your loved one, do you feel energized or drained?” Is it almost a struggle to be around them? Is there a lack of interest and passion also? If these feelings are not getting any better, don’t waste your time or theirs. This relationship may be headed to Splitsville.
Life is short and even though there may be so much to hold on to and so many memories, it’s okay to end things. If you and your partner are still willing to work on things, it may not be your time to go your separate ways. Trust what your gut tells you. Just because you have history, it does not mean you’re bound to this person. If it doesn’t feel right, walk away. ”Tis better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all,” right? We certainly think so.
(Feature Photo via Fox News)