College isn’t just about unforgettable (and forgettable) nights with friends, drowning in caffeine during all-nighters and eating copious amounts of ramen noodles. College is also about laying the strongest foundation for your future.
Your college experience allows you to put feelers out there to see what piques your interest, gets your creative juices flowing and makes you passionate about the world.
Opportunities are endless on campus, so we narrowed them down:Clubs
Clubs are the easiest, most enjoyable and one of the most beneficial ways to get involved. Chances are your campus bulletin boards are overflowing with a plethora of options. Luckily, you can join multiple organizations to suit your personal and professional interests. You don’t have to stick to clubs within your major. As a member, aim for a leadership role so you can gain professional skills.
Study Abroad
Your study abroad experience isn’t just about galavanting all over foreign destinations, trying new (and sometimes frightening) foods and globally expanding your friend base. It can actually add a standout section to your resume. Employers will see your ability to handle different and stressful situations and know you’re not afraid to take on unique challenges. Also, any foreign language skills you obtain are a huge plus.
University Newspaper
This opportunity isn’t just for journalism and English majors. All majors can benefit from being involved. You get to dig deep into your university’s inner workings along with growing your networking, critical thinking, time management and writing skills. If you work hard enough, you may even land an editor position, which will show future employers you know how to manage a staff and work under pressure.
Student Government
Nothing gives you the chance to resolve issues, have your voice heard and strengthen your university than being a part of student government. It is one of the strongest leadership positions you can have and will practically jump off your resume to potential employers. Whether your involvement is at a lower level or you’re running the show as president, it will show your initiative, drive and leadership skills.
Greek Life
Sororities and fraternities are not for everyone, but their benefits are undeniable. They give you an unbeatable opportunity to network and expand your leadership and social skills. Plus, you have the ability to improve the rest of the world through volunteering, fundraising and philanthropy. You can use these Greek Life experiences to your advantage long after you walk across the stage.
RA/Resident Life
Your home sweet home away from home may just give you what you need to be successful in future endeavors. Having a Resident Adviser position in your dorm shows you know how to handle conflict resolution, hold a leadership role and balance a full plate. Being a part of your dorm’s council board can also give you tremendous experience without consuming your nights with making door decs and resolving arguments about who drank who’s milk.
Let your college experience be one that fills your heart, mind, memories and resume. Take chances you wouldn’t normally take, get out of your comfort zone and believe you can do anything you set your mind to.
Feature Photo via Franklin & Marshall College