We document all of our experiences with pictures and selfies on social media these days and that perfect picture is hard to accomplish.
We find ourselves taking multiple shots before we find one worthy enough to post. With our tips, you may be able to get it right the first couple times. You’ll be a pro in no time!
The Rule of Thirds
Not familiar with this rule? Let’s define it! “The idea is that you want to split the image into a 1:2 ratio (one third and two thirds), instead of in half,” according to DigitalPhotoSecrets. So position yourself more off to the side as opposed to the center.
Don’t rely on bright Instagram filters like “rise” to lighten you up. Use the lighting around you and take advantage of the sun because natural light is the best kind. #NoFilter! Try to snap pics during the “golden hour,” which “is roughly the first hour of light after sunrise, and the last hour of light before sunset.” Even if you’re indoors, you can sit near an open window or door for natural lighting.
If you just so happen to be walking around, use what’s around you. Freelance photographer Eduardo Olmeda said, “Glass buildings and white houses are natural reflectors. They illuminate you and give you subtle lighting depending on the time of day.” He added, “Having a glimmer of light in your eye gives life to the picture. Nobody likes a black pupil.”
The duck face can be cute sometimes but it is getting old and we want to see those pearly whites! Don’t be basic, be yourself. Be silly, laugh, smirk or show us a big cheesy grin. Your energy alone will make the picture a winner.
Strike A Pose
Avoid taking a photo straight on. Make sure you’re tilting your head at an angle and extend your neck a little to avoid the double chin look. You’ll also want to hold the camera a little above your head and not too close up. If you’re too close, you won’t be able to utilize the rule of thirds, so keep a nice distance between you and the camera.
There’s no need for full on stage makeup to look your best in a photo, but make sure that your lips stand out and your eyes pop! Use a bold lip color and a shimmery gloss to draw attention to your mouth. Fill in your brows to make them nice and thick to go along with a neutral eyeshadow, mascara on the top and bottom lashes and winged eyeliner on your lids.
Now that you know how to look flawless in pictures, grab your friends, go snap a few and give Kim K. a run for her money!
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