Nowadays, it seems like we rarely take the time to sit down and write a letter.
However, it is beneficial and meaningful to exchange your cell phone or computer for a pen and paper every once in a while. To encourage you, we compiled the top perks of handwritten letters.
They Require You To Unplug
When you sit down to write a letter, it requires you to unplug from technology and the world of social media. Instead of constantly scrolling through your newsfeed, it forces you to live in the moment and focus your thoughts on the piece of paper in front of you as well as the person you are writing to.
They Show You Care
Sending an email can take minutes while a text message can take seconds, but writing a letter, purchasing a stamp and dropping it off at a mailbox takes time and your undivided attention. Just sending a handwritten thank you note to an employer after a job interview shows that you appreciate their time and consideration. Similarly, sending a thank you card after receiving a present shows how grateful you are for a gift.
They Make You More Creative
Studies have shown that writing by hand makes us smarter. There is just something about using a pen and paper combined with our visual, motor and cognitive skills that sparks our creativity and gets those juices flowing.
They Make Each & Every Word Count
Unlike an email or quick text that can be simply copy or pasted, you only get one chance to send a handwritten message, which makes you realize not to waste what is in front of you. The fact that each person has their own style of writing—some use cursive while others like to stick to print—makes the message that more special and unique.
They Are Timeless
There is something exciting and even romantic about communicating the way our grandparents did. Just being able to physically hold a letter and store it is incredibly special. When you reread a letter, note or postcard years from now, the memories and feelings will come flooding back. You’ll be reminded of how good it felt when you first received it. It’s also fun to reread the letters with your significant other or best friend, and look back on fond memories and secret thoughts.
Feature Photo via We Heart It