By now, you’ve probably seen the term (and hashtag) used around Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. If you aren’t familiar with the term, it refers to the ideal group of friends. Think #relationshipgoals but instead of just a couple, it’s a whole squad. Recently, the term has been applied to Taylor Swift’s posse who have been seen with her at several concerts and award shows.
Some people like to use it when they’re having a good time with their friends, but oftentimes, it refers to a group’s goals. For a better understanding, here’s a video that breaks down the history of squads for us. Thanks, BuzzFeed!
Here’s a list of five goals your squad actually should have.
Have Each Other’s Back
If there’s one thing all the squads in the video above have in common, it’s that they’ve got each other’s back. If anyone disrespects any person from the group, you can bet someone else from the same clique will be ready to defend them or kick some butt. When a squad can’t rely on other people, they always have each other to lean on.
Know How And When To Have Fun
You’re all young, wild, and free. Go to the bars together, go on road trips together, and do something crazy together. How well do you know the people in your circle? Go somewhere far away and really get to know each other. Having fun together and doing something you all have in common is what makes a squad grow.
And Know How To Balance That Fun With The Real World
While having a squad makes going out or partying more fun, it’s also important to remind each other when to get back to reality whether it’s back to classes or going back to work. Motivate and remind each other that education and hard work comes first. That way, you have time for more fun later.
Keep Each Other In Check
Be honest with each other. Assuming you and everyone in your squad are close, it’s important to be able to express your thoughts. You don’t think your friend should be dating the guy from down the street who may or may not be a drug peddler? Those shoes definitely don’t go with Sally’s outfit? It’s okay to be upfront with each other.
Support Each Other’s Decisions
When it comes down to it, a squad always supports their members. While it’s essential to keep each other in check and help guide each other in the right direction, it’s ultimately an individual’s final decision on what they do. By supporting each other’s personal goals and decisions, you’re helping one another reach your fullest potential! Isn’t that what everyone in a squad wants?
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