New Year, new beginnings!
There’s something about the New Year that brings a sense of hope. We’re all determined to change our lives for the better, but sticking to our goals—that’s the tough part! 2015 is our year, ladies. As the founder of Style Your Success, I take pride in mentoring young ambitious women.
Starting the year off with a bang is just the motivation we need to rock our dream job. Here are my personal tips for accomplishing goals and greatness in the New Year.Clarify What You Would Like To Accomplish In 2015
Write a list of your top goals for the year. Where would you like to see yourself come 2016? The key to this is to get specific. The most successful people are the ones that could literally envision where they want to end up.
Dream BIG
Don’t limit your dreams. So often I think we second guess our own dreams and desires. Taking chances is necessary to achieve change and results. Just keep your eye on the prize.
Get Organized
Whether it’s cleaning out your inbox, your closet or your home office, get organized. Organization creates peace and flow in your daily life.
Create A Plan Of Action…
…to the exact goal, dream or desire you want to accomplish in 2015. Be very specific about how you will accomplish your goals.
Break Your Plan Of Action…
…into small manageable steps, right down to day one. What small things can you start doing today to put you one step closer to your goal, dream or desire?
Be Clear
Be clear on why you want to achieve these goals and how you are going to feel after you have. By envisioning your life as though all the things that you want to achieve already exist, you will naturally create the path to accomplishing your greatest dreams and desires.
Seek Support
So often the reason that we don’t stay on track in accomplishing our resolutions is simply because we do not have the accountability or support to keep the momentum going. I think it’s crucial to work with a mentor or join an accountability group of like-minded individuals that can help you stay on track, support and motivate you.
Be Confident
Style Your Life. Style Your Success. I believe styling your life and success is all about creating confidence around you. Wake up, dress up and never give up! Taking a few extra moments each day to dress up gives you that extra confidence. I’m giving away a package of style factors.
If you are ready to start living the life you’ve always dreamed of and desired, Success Society is a great place to start. Our online community of women offers support and guidance to help you accomplish your greatest dreams and desires. Let’s make friends! Visit us at
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This guest post was written by Stephanie Nickolich.
Stephanie Nickolich is the founder and CEO of Accessory Fanatic and Style Your Success. She is also a professional speaker and motivational mentor specializing in helping women create the path to any level of success that they dream of and desire.