Spending time with the people you love can be rejuvenating, exciting and just plain fun. However, alone time can also be vital for stress management and self-reflection.
We’ve compiled the 10 things that every girl should do alone at least once.
Go to a movie
Go see a film with your favorite actor (helloooooo Channing Tatum) or one you’ve been dying to see for ages.
Buy yourself a large popcorn and treat yourself to a night at the movies.Travel
Whether you’re going halfway around the world or just an hour away from home, traveling by yourself can help push you out of your comfort zone. Your itinerary is completely in your hands. Plus, being in a new place can help you expand your mind.
No one to tell you what to buy, the ability to spend as much time in certain stores as you want and no one to keep track of. Shopping by yourself is a pretty great deal. Sure, there’s no one with you to tell you if that killer pair of heels is too high for work, but it forces you to make all of your own decisions, which can help you get back in touch with your own personal style.
Go out to eat
Eating alone can be scary, but it can also be a great way to try a new restaurant if you have no one to eat with, or just a good way to relax and not have to cook for or clean up after yourself. It’s also a fantastic way to people watch. Bring a book or magazine if you want some company during your meal, or sit at the bar if you want to find someone new to talk to. Fellow bar diners and bartenders during slow nights are often pretty fun dinner companions.
Live on your own
You’re done with living in your parents’ house, done with school roommates and ready to face the real world on your own. If you have the chance, get your own space. You may not be able to afford it until you’ve been working for a few years, but having your own apartment is a rite of passage. For the first time ever, you’ll be able to have a space that is completely yours. It’s an opportunity that you shouldn’t pass up.
Go on a road trip
Miles of highway provide lots of time for self-reflection. Just like traveling by yourself, taking a solo road trip—whether it’s for two hours or 10—is a great way to get in touch with yourself and explore new places along the way.
Work out
Hitting the gym with a buddy is a fun way to stay motivated, but working out alone can also be beneficial. Take the time to really listen to your body, and stay focused and motivated on your workout plan.
Make something
Doing something artistic, such as painting or cooking, is not only a stress reliever but also self-expression at its finest. Making something with your own two hands without any help is one of the most rewarding feelings you can have, so find a hobby and make something!
Go hiking
Even if you’re not a yogi that’s down with being one with the Earth, being in the great outdoors by yourself is the perfect way to clear your head. Go on a peaceful hike if you’re looking for some exercise or find a sunny spot to just enjoy the nice weather.
Helping others makes you feel great, but sometimes it can be hard to find a friend who has the same schedule and willingness as you do. Volunteering by yourself will open you up to meeting new people that have the same interests as you—and you’ll be able to serve others at the same time.
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