Ashley Frangipane is better known by her stage name: Halsey, and she is on the edge of pop stardom. Fresh off the release of her debut album, Badlands, Halsey is poised to be a phenomenon.
That is a bold statement. To declare Halsey as one of voices of a whole generation is fair though. She just needs some time.
This idea doesn’t come without supporting evidence. Her album is crafted to be relatable to youthful audiences. It’s no surprise that her most popular song is called “New Americana.”While this album may have the melancholy vibe of Lana Del Rey, it is hardly that depressing. Its lyrics tell tales of mental illness and growing up confused and different. It’s perfectly aimed at millennials, as is Halsey herself. Her bio on her website is simply, “I am Halsey. I will never be anything but honest. I write songs about sex and being sad.”
It’s a simple message with the implication that Halsey understands the plight of this generation because she isn’t a cookie cutter pop star; she’s bisexual and bipolar. Millennials are tired of the same pop star on repeat, and Halsey could be a breath of fresh air. Her indie vibe combined with her soaring popularity is just what music needs: another voice that provides a different perspective.
It’s clear that this angle is working. Audiences are clearly clamoring for her, and it more or less happened overnight. She is currently headlining at Madison Square Garden. Just a few short months ago, she was performing in much smaller venues until the full album was released. Like the article states, Halsey has had a “meteoric” rise to mainstream audiences, even if she isn’t a household name—yet. It’s only a matter of time until every magazine features her on the cover.
While she continues to build her audience, it’s likely that she will remain consistent in her views. She seems very authentic. She may prove to be another voice that helps prove that different isn’t bad for a generation of people who are, by definition, different.
Five things you didn’t know about Halsey:
- Halsey is an anagram of Ashley, her first name.
- She loves One Direction.
- She has no problem changing her look.
- Her first released EP was titled Room 93.
- She defends pop music.
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