Pink & Black readers,
When was the last time you did something for someone or gave back in someway?
Maybe you gave an hour of your time to volunteer at a local soup kitchen or you helped your neighbor with their groceries. Whatever it was and whenever it was, I’ll bet it made both you and the person/people you helped out feel good.
This month, P&B is all about doing good, helping people and giving back. We’ll be sharing some causes, ways to get involved and volunteer and some of the philanthropic work celebrities do that inspires us.
With the holidays and cold weather ahead, this is a great time of the year to give your time to someone else in some way. I challenge you to find a way to get involved in your community this month or research a cause to donate to. If neither of those seem personal enough, visit with a family member you haven’t seen or heard from in awhile, help your neighbor with their groceries (again), fix a meal for a friend or, at the very least, smile and say “hi” to a complete stranger.
Want to give back to us? Look out for our annual reader survey later this week!