Going to college for your first semester (or even for your second or third or fourth year) is exciting and anxiety inducing, thrilling and terrifying, confusing and exhilarating all at the same time.
Some people want to pretend the change isn’t happening while others are chomping at the bit to get out of their hometown for a new adventure.
August might feel far away, but no matter how you’re feeling, there are ways to prepare to keep you excited and stress-free.So whether you can’t wait to step onto campus or you’re battling internal anxiety over the upcoming change, here are some things you can do to make sure you’re in the right mindset come August.
Read A Variety Of Books & Articles
This advice is good for any time of your life and anytime of the year, but now is the time to read. Read for pleasure, pre-read your class books, read articles about the world, read about your professors. Once your semester starts, you’ll have tons of reading to do for class, and you won’t have as much time to read anything that tugs at your interest. Whatever you can put into your mind now will come up at some point, and there’s nothing more admirable than a person who has informed opinions.
Purge Your Closet
Dorms are small. Most people simply cannot fit all of the clothes they had in their hometown closet into these tiny spaces. Put aside an afternoon to really go through your closet. Blast your favorite music and take no prisoners—get rid of anything that you don’t wear regularly or doesn’t serve a specific purpose. You’ll have less to pack, and your roommate will be thankful that your stuff isn’t overflowing into shared spaces.
Make Lists In One Place
Have a file on your phone or keep a notebook nearby for all kinds of lists. Random toiletries you want to pack (think random ones like nail clippers, cotton balls and Band-Aids). Clothes you can leave at home until fall break. Friends you need to see before you leave. The best snacks for on-the-go. If all of these lists are in one place, you’ll feel so much better when it comes time to pack and to move in.
Plan To Create A Home
You’re going to live in your dorm room, and it should feel like home. It won’t be exactly the same as the couch in your family room or the kitchen table watching your mom cook dinner, but it should be you. Plan how to make that happen now. Maybe you need to print out all of your favorite pictures from Facebook. Or you need to choose your very favorite books to store on a shelf. Or you need prints of your favorite pieces of art and framed images of your favorite quotes. Find those things now and start stockpiling.
Spend Time With Friends
If you’re getting ready to leave for college for the first time, it may be hard to conceptualize how different your relationship with your high school friends will feel. Now is the time to revisit your favorite local spots with everyone you enjoyed spending time with in high school. Tell them how much they meant to you, laugh until you cry and enjoy being in their presence. You’ll leave for school feeling more confident and loved, and that makes going easier, not harder.
The summer is still young, and there is still plenty of time before you really need to get ready to leave for school. But if you want a less stressful August, keeping these tips in mind throughout June and July will help ease that transition.
Feature Photo via MyHealthyOC