Summer is a time for fun. The days are longer, the pace feels slower and life just feels more relaxed. We are all about enjoying the warmer weather and days of sunshine, but we would be remiss if we did not take the time to remind anyone and everyone about the importance of skin protection.
We’ve heard the advice since we were little. Sunscreen is important. We should wear hats. Sunglasses. Protective clothing.
But there’s also that not-so-subtle message that tans look good. A tan shows that you’ve spent time outside. A tan, for whatever reason, means health and happiness, a carefree attitude and fully embracing all that summer has to offer. The all too real and scary reality, though, is that the sun is the biggest danger 20-somethings face. Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the United States, affecting over two million people every year.
Maybe those statistics don’t work. Maybe you’re still thinking, “Yeah, that’s kind of scary. But it won’t happen to me.” I wish I could crawl through the screen and shake you, shake you and scream, “But it could!”
Since I can’t do that, please take the time to look at at least one personal story. If you need an example, check out the blog Long Distance Loving. Ali, the author of the blog, is frequently open and honest about her experience after being told she had cancer at age 23. She even started a movement called Sun Savvy to spread awareness about the dangers of repeated and unprotected sun exposure.
The danger is real. So do what you know you’re supposed to do. Wear sunscreen every day, especially on your face. Bring a hat (and wear it!) to the beach. Regularly check your moles using this guide for a self-exam. SparkNotes version: check all of your moles, and don’t forget your hairline, behind your ears, between your toes and under your fingernails.
Above all, please stop fake baking. Tanning beds are basically cancer factories, and they are not worth the money or the astronomically higher risk of cancer. Still looking for that sunkissed glow? Look no further than this guide to the best self-tanners.
Remember, you are beautiful with or without a tan. Your health needs to be protected. Otherwise, the summers you have left to enjoy may be limited.
Feature Photo via We Heart It