Many people know you can grow an avocado from the seed inside the fruit. You stick toothpicks in the side of the seed and place it over a glass of water and wait for the roots to grow out.
But what many don’t know is there are a lot of other plants you can grow from scraps of food in your kitchen.
You no longer have to break the bank to eat healthy—you can grow your own garden from the comfort of your home. Here are seven fruits and vegetables you can grow at home:- Pineapple – Similar to the avocado, you’ll want to start your plant by growing out the roots. Begin by twisting off the leafy part of the pineapple. Peel back the leaves toward the bottom of the plant until there is about an inch of core showing. Place toothpicks in the side of the plant and place it over a glass of water. Wait for the roots to grow out. This could take weeks to happen. Once the roots grow out you can replant your pineapple and wait for a new one to grow!
- Basil – Get started by removing the stems from the leaves. Place the stems in a glass of water by a sunny spot. The roots will start to grow and you’ll want to make sure you change the water every couple of days. When the roots are two inches long, plant them in a pot about four inches wide and let it grow in direct sunlight.
- Scallions – Scallions are possibly the easiest plant to regrow. When cutting scallions, we usually get rid of the white ends. If you want to regrow the plant save those roots. Place them in a glass with water near a window and change the water every day. By the end of the week, the scallions will regrow themselves.
- Romaine Lettuce – When it comes to lettuce the greener it is, the more packed with vitamins it will be. That’s why when preparing lettuce we typically cut off the white part at the end. But by saving that part of the vegetable and placing it in a half an inch of water, the plant will regrow and repurpose itself. Lettuce will thrive in an environment where it is cool yet bright for the majority of the day.
- Celery – It’s hard to believe how simple it can be to regrow celery. When slicing celery, we typically cut off the base of the vegetable. You’ll need this part to regrow the plant. After cleaning the base, place it in a small bowl or saucer with water. Leave it there for about a week. You’ll want to change the water every couple of days. The outer stalks may start to brown but the leaves in the middle will start to turn green (from the previous yellow color they were) and grow. After the week is up, plant it so the entire base is covered except for the leaves that are now growing out of it. Make sure to keep the plant well-watered and watch it grow.
- Mushrooms – Mushrooms are a little more difficult to grow at home because they are very picky when it comes to their environment, but it still is possible. Simply cut the head off the mushroom and plant the stem in a pot so the edge is just peeking out. Mushrooms grow best in warm, humid conditions so planting them in a pot as opposed to the ground outside will give you more of an opportunity to control their environment. Eventually the stem should begin to grow a new head.
- Garlic Sprouts – For the garlic lovers out there, take one clove and plant it with the roots facing down. Keep the plant in direct sunlight. You can even place it outside during the summer months when it is warmer outside. Eventually your plant will begin to grow shoots. Cut those back and your plant will start to grow another bulb.
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