On Thursday, August 31, Pink & Black hosted another #PABgirltalk with an even greater turnout than the week before!
This time we discussed mental wellness since it relates to July’s theme–Healthy You. We asked our readers about confidence, stress, and overall mental health.
Below are some of our favorite responses.Want to join #PABgirltalk? Tune in Thursday, August 7th at 8 p.m. EST for a discussion over our August theme, Fresh Start. See you online!
@PinkandBlackMag A1 Confidence is a stepping stone to greatness #PABgirltalk
— Nicole Booz (@nicolebooz) August 1, 2014
@PinkandBlackMag I think it’s just as important to understand that confidence is practiced. & doesn’t come easily for everyone. #PABgirltalk
— darling (@ZieDarling) August 1, 2014
@PinkandBlackMag when I’m not feeling confident, I fake it my standing as tall as possible. Meekness makes you feel meek #PABgirltalk
— darling (@ZieDarling) August 1, 2014
Q3: What are some simple ways to be more confident in the long run? #PABgirltalk
— Pink & Black (@PinkandBlackMag) August 1, 2014
A3: Change your thinking. Start telling yourself something you like about yourself everyday! #PABgirltalk
— Rebecca Hawkins (@RebeccaElenaPR) August 1, 2014
@PinkandBlackMag telltale knot in my neck! I got a supportive pillow that totally helps. #Yoga works wonders too. #PABgirltalk
— Hillary Reeves (@hillreeves) August 1, 2014
@PinkandBlackMag I dance when I am super stressed out. Doesn’t matter how long it is for. It could be 10 minutes or 30 minutes #PBAgirltalk
— Amy McDonald (@Amy_LMcDonald) August 1, 2014
@PinkandBlackMag I print out inspirational quotes I found online and put them on my mirror so they are the first thing I see #PBAgirltalk
— Amy McDonald (@Amy_LMcDonald) August 1, 2014
A6: Positive mantras #PABgirltalk pic.twitter.com/uMTn3al73f
— V.V. Browne (@DoomedSingleB) August 1, 2014
Q7: How do social skills play into mental wellness? #PABgirltalk
— Pink & Black (@PinkandBlackMag) August 1, 2014
A7: Social acceptance can feel like everything. Friends and support just lifts you up and makes you feel good. #PABgirltalk
— Anna Taylor (@annamtaylor) August 1, 2014
@DoomedSingleB I agree! Fly solo, be you, focus on you. That’s what’s important. Everything/everyone else falls into place #PABgirltalk
— darling (@ZieDarling) August 1, 2014