Let’s face it: our lives become much less free after college.
Breaks are no longer integrated into our calendar, we don’t have long hour holes within the days and it can be difficult to have the same fun experiences, especially travel ones. Luckily, there are ways to still experience all the world has to offer.
Teaching abroad can be seen as a more grown-up version of study abroad. You are in the same educational environment, but are doing it from a different angle. There are more opportunities than you might think to teach abroad. Many countries need English as a second language teachers and don’t require an education degree. Here are some links to give you a few ideas and provide background information:
Getting a job in a new city can help you branch out and not feel stuck in the same old familiar life you have become accustomed to. Take a step out of your comfort zone and broaden your search. Look for jobs all over the country (or all over the world) that will give you the experience you desire and the ability to put your skills to use. While you’re young is one of the easiest times to transition between jobs and from city to city, so take advantage of the freedom now. You’ll be less likely to look back one day and feel like you missed out on opportunities to see all the world has to offer.
If staying in the same place all the time doesn’t sound appealing to you, finding a job that involves a heavy amount of travel might be perfect for you. Flight attendants, travel agents, au pairs, photographers, aid workers and traveling nurses and teachers are just a few of the options out there. Numerous career paths include travel. You might just have to think outside of the box during your job search.
If you’re already in the workforce and desperate for time to get out and travel, save up some vacation time. Try to save up as much as possible before taking an adventure so you have longer to experience your travels and don’t feel rushed. It can be difficult to accumulate off time in most jobs, so try to see about working longer shifts, possibly even weekends if your job doesn’t already require you to do so. It will pay off later on when you have more time on your next big excursion.
Even though you might not feel as free to travel out on a whim like you did in college, there are perks to traveling as a working grown up. For one, you are no longer a broke college student and secondly, you are able to appreciate the opportunities you are given more. You just have to know where to look.
(Feature Photo via More Awesomer)