Blake and Miranda rule the country music scene, not only with their talents, but with their unbelievably strong marriage.
The pair met while doing a duet for the “100 Greatest Duets” in 2005 and immediately felt a connection.
Five years later, Blake proposed and they tied the knot on May 14, 2011.
Miranda is 8 years his junior, but the age difference doesn’t seem to affect their bond. They’re solid as a rock because they’re doing love right!They Squash Rumors and Face Haters Together
There are continuous rumors that this adorable duo are headed for divorce. While some celebrity couples choose to leave a bit of mystery and take the silent approach to false accusations, Blake and Miranda turn to Twitter to quickly nip them in the bud. Just recently, on October 3, Blake tweeted, “Maybe because the divorce rate is so high the tabloids have just decided to play the odds with me and Miranda. Morons.. #eatadick.” Well sheesh, don’t mess with the Shelton household. Apparently, a couple that fights the media stays together.
They Support Each Other Through Hard Times
For their third wedding anniversary this year, Blake decided to get their boat running on his own so Miranda could enjoy some R&R after jam packed week of work. Seriously, how sweet is that? Blake stated in an interview, “She means so much. I do think some of that early tabloid stuff that happened probably did have an effect on her. And I was upset for her to go through it.” While in the limelight, a strong support system is needed and they provide that for each other.
They Don’t Keep Secrets
There are many relationships these days with so many secrets hidden in just a tiny device like a smartphone, tablet or computer. If these couples allowed their significant others to have access to these devices, their relationships would end immediately because of these secrets. Well, this country music power couple can do all the snooping they’d like and will still be stronger than ever because they have nothing to hide. In an interview with People, Blake stated, “That’s really the kind of trust we have. There are no secrets. I’ll say ‘Go dig through my drawers or my computer if you feel like you need to.’ And that’s been a really good thing, because I don’t want her to ever have any doubts.”
Miranda is a strong, confident woman and has all the trust in the world for her man. Blake has been know to be a “flirt” and Miranda knows where she stands in her main man’s eye. Back in 2012, her beau was very obviously flirting with Scarlett Johansson and Miranda could not have cared less. She tweeted, “So my husband is plainly flirting with Scarlet on Jay Leno. I would too:) She is so amazingly cool and beautiful. He clearly had good taste!” Does this sound like the tweet of a woman who is untrusting? We think not and commend her for being so cool about it.
These two are proof that with hard work, trust and love, we can all do love right. If you’re not convinced, take a look at these totally cute moments with these love birds. We promise they will make you shed a tear.
(Feature Photo via We Heart It)